This is what happens when Twitter gets into the hands of the wrong celebs! Bow Wow decided to comment on what it feels like when two women he's had sex with become good friends! Read below for his insight:
Fellas, don’t you feel like a G when ya ex and another girl u banged or f*cked around with r now friends? boosts my ego up! like daaaayum ima pimp
wat makes it funny i dont think she knows! ha! im laughn lol….
I mean…he could be talking about someone else but…Timing is everything!
Update from Bow Wow:
deez blogs r funny. y err time i say my ex people think ciara? yall kno how many girlfriends ive had. maybe cuz dats da only 1 yall kno bout. Yall gotta stop assuming. those r assumptions. and clearly im not talkn bout dem. they r 2 great people. but im not referring to dem