*Texas rapper and honorary brother, Paul Wall, has lost over 100 pounds after undergoing a dramatic weight loss surgery procedure called the Gastric Sleeve. He explained in the upcoming Ozone Magazine his battle with weight and the importance of losing the pounds for health and lifestyle reasons.

When did you decide to get serious about losing weight?

Honestly, when we were in Afghanistan and [reps for VH1's] Celebrity Fit Club were contacting [me] about coming on the show. That was a hell of a wake-up call. [Being fat] isn’t a secret. You can look in the mirror and try to hide it and cover it up, and it may work here or there, but there ain’t no shirt or hat you can put on or haircut you can get to hide the fact that you’re morbidly obese. That’s what the doctor said: I was “morbidly obese.” I decided not to do [the show] but it was still a wake-up call to have people calling you saying, “Hey, you’re really, really fat.”

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