Tia Mowry Goes All-Out In Pregnancy Poses

Your Black World reports

The Game’s Tia Mowry is going all-out with People Magazine in an interview and showing herself in all her pregnitious beauty.

In the interview, Tia had a lot to say:


On Feeling Sexy
“I know that there are people out there who say that there is nothing sexy about being pregnant. Then there are some people who embrace the sexuality. I feel empowered; I feel sexy”

On Her Physical Discomfort
“I have sciatica so I’ve gotten those pregnancy pillows. That doesn’t seem to be working for me.”

On Losing Sleep
“They say that the baby should kick 10 times every two hours. I’m obsessed with counting how many times the baby’s kicking. So around one o’clock in the morning I’m counting in my head, not sleeping!”

Sooooo, is this sexy, beautiful, gross, nasty or bold?  You be the judge.


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