Georgia Anti-Obesity Ads Under Fire for Harsh Messages (Video)

“Childhood obesity ads targeting Atlanta's parents are met with controversy over harsh messages spoken by children in Strong4Life campaign launched by Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.

Obesity is a problem all over the country.  There have been statistics etched out that show the intensity of the problem in each city in America.  Some cities have won the “fattest city” award on a regular basis, but at this time Atlanta, Ga., is the second fattest city in the country.  The healthcare community has set out to alert parents to this harsh reality and the severity of it….but through their children.

The tagline of the ads says, “Stop sugar coating it, Georgia?” The use of the children in the campaign are probably the harshest aspect of the message.  Parents don’t want to see themselves as being blamed for their child’s problems; in this case, obesity.

Take a look at the campaign and tell us what you think?  Should children be used along with the statements or is this just the wake-up call a lot of us need?  If your children are healthy, in most cases, the parents would be too.  Check it out.”-Eurweb

-J.C. Brooks

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