Seems like Ray J has been doing more than just Whitney lately, he was recently caught with drugs in his possession peep this via my good friends over at TMZ:
We’re told Ray J went to his room after partying it up, when hotel management got a complaint. It appears security went up to the room where they allegedly found all the drug stuff.
Our sources say the singer tried to bribe hotel security so he could stay but they didn’t bite. We’re told Ray J went crazy, arguing like a mutha. Eventually, Mr. J’s own security came to the hotel and carted him away.
Police were called, but no one was busted [and] Ray J had to check into a Holiday Inn down the street.
Ray J’s rep [says] “The altercation did not directly affect Ray J — it was people in his entourage. But he did the gentlemanly thing and left the hotel anyway.”
Damn Ray J can you stay out of trouble just for a minute!