Usher did a recent interview with a UK mag and he touched on some real issues in his life including his relationship with his dad peep this:
About his father passing:
Alcohol and substance abuse led to [my father's] death. He had many problems and never addressed it. Unfortunately it went on too long and took his life ... My father became a failure to substance abuse and I didn't empathize with him, I didn't have sympathy because I thought it was a cop-out."
About his first encounter with his father who left him as a toddler:
"My mother unsurprisingly wasn't very fond of my father - she kept her distance and suggested I did as well. She never wanted me to meet my dad. But as a man I had to make my own decision. What if he died and I never got the chance to meet him?
I was happy that I did, happy that I got closure, happy that I forgave him for not being there and that I knew he really did love me.
About his son not meeting his Grandfather:
My son didn't meet his grandfather because I felt this vicious cycle of life was far too repetitive. I felt like my son helped to break a curse that has plagued my family, of fathers not being there for their sons.
Finally Usher talks about something other than his mediocre album which produced more bootleg numbers than sold! Pretty interesting why can't he give interviews like this in the US of A I'm offended lol!