But not in a good way! Artist Daniel Edwards has sculpted a a bare-shouldered bust of Michelle Obama that is entitled “Michelle Obama’s Makeover for America”, which will go on display at New York’s Leo Kesting Gallery at the start of October 2008. The sculpture has been the talk of controversy today. While art is in the eye of the beholder, I'm not too sure about this one! What are your thoughts?
Michelle Obama Gets a Makeover...
6:48 AM
But not in a good way! Artist Daniel Edwards has sculpted a a bare-shouldered bust of Michelle Obama that is entitled “Michelle Obama’s Makeover for America”, which will go on display at New York’s Leo Kesting Gallery at the start of October 2008. The sculpture has been the talk of controversy today. While art is in the eye of the beholder, I'm not too sure about this one! What are your thoughts?
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