

I had a conversation with the creator, and as usual it went well, and not so well.(I’m going through it) In three weeks I will be the first to graduate from college in my intermediate family with a Bachelors Degree, and I’m honored to set new standards for my family.

Family: “Can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them”. Yesterday during my Easter cooking experience; I discovered a new appreciation for “Mothers and Grandmothers”. As a little girl, then teenager, and now young woman… I had no true idea of the endurance it takes to cook.

I always enjoyed, just being my grandmothers taster! You know, the one that tastes everything…and tell her what she needs more of…salt, pepper, lemon juice, whatever the dish was…my expertise was appreciated.

Yesterday, I called my grandmother so many times as I attempted to make my food just like hers. I stalked her about the macaroni and cheese recipe, potato salad, greens, and anything else I could think of. I’m sure she was tired of me calling her all day, but I forgot to ask her one thing!

“How did she do it all these years”?

Today my grandmother is less mobile then she used to be when I was young, so she needs more help around the kitchen then she use to, so my six year old cousin Emya is the new helper. Assisting grandma with all her cooking duties! But, how do women go in that kitchen, prep the foods, and season the food to perfection while the stove is producing so much heat? I was sweating during this whole excursion. I hate to cook in mess, so I was cooking and cleaning at the same time.

For my 25 years of life, my grandmother has been preparing meals and I don’t think I can tell her “thank you” enough. I come in town for the holidays, and I eat and kiss her on the cheek for my full belly, but I had no idea of “the work” that goes behind “soul food”.

The best part of the cooking… is the delight of a love one to taste their plate and say, “that was good”. And I received that compliment, and it was rewarding.

Hats off to the mothers and grandmothers that never get the “chef of the year awards” but always manage to keep the family mesmerized by Sunday’s dinner!

Meaningful Blessings,

Madam Prezident



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