Oprah Winfrey Explains Why She Can’t Take On the Soap Operas for her Network


Your Black World Reports

In the following video (below), Oprah Winfrey explains to her audience why she can’t take on the soap operas that are being taken off the air by ABC.  In her typically honest way, Winfrey explains why soaps are being removed from major networks.  She argues that soaps are disappearing primarily because they haven’t been able to maintain the audiences that they once had in the past.

"I will not be taking on the responsibility of trying to revive the soaps,” said Winfrey.  “Thank you for believing that I could save them, but I really can't."

Winfrey’s words came after the shocking announcement that ABC was going to cancel “All My Children” and “One Life to Live,” two soap operas with long and storied histories. 

"While we are excited about our new shows and the shift in our business, I can't help but recognize how bittersweet the change is," Brian Frons, ABC's daytime department president , said in a statement. "We are taking this bold step to expand our business because viewers are looking for different types of programming these days. They are telling us there is room for informative, authentic and fun shows that are relatable, offer a wide variety of opinions and focus on 'real life' takeaways."


[blip.tv http://blip.tv/play/AYK2lkAC]

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