Kenya Bell: The Basketball Wife of Charlie Bell Explains the Whole Stabbing Allegation in a Statement


Your Black World Reports

Kenya Bell, formerly Miss Michigan USA and wife of NBA player Charlie Bell, released a statement about the allegations that she stabbed her husband with a box cutter earlier this week.  In her statement, Bell had this to say:

"It is with regret that I have to issue a public statement regarding my marriage.  For some time now my husband and I have been going through the process of getting a divorce.  Like many couples, our relationship has deteriorated over time.  Throughout this process I have always considered the interests of our children to be front and center. Unfortunately this private matter has spilled from one court to another, where I expect to be vindicated.  For my family's sake I would ask that our privacy be respected.  Thank-you, Kenya Bell"

Matthew Norwood, Bell’s attorney said that Kenya is denying that the incident took place as it’s been reported in media.  "She's looking forward to vindicating herself," he said. "It's sad. If anybody knows Mrs. Bell, they know that this isn't who she is...It's not the way it's been portrayed."

Ms. Bell was arraigned in Genesee District Court Monday and charged with assault with a dangerous weapon.  She was also charged with domestic violence. 

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