Trump Feeling the Heat from Numerous Massive Boycotts

Donald Trump Boycott


When Donald Trump began his race-baiting political game by demanding that President Obama release his long form birth certificate, many of my friends vowed from that moment on to start their own personal boycotts of “The Apprentice,” and every other Donald Trump enterprise. Now they are far from alone. This week things really heated up as powerful media players have demanded that NBC and its advertisers reign in Trump’s behavior, or risk alienating millions of consumers.

RELATED: Racist Past?! Trump Was Sued In The ’70s For Not Renting To Blacks

Talk show host Lawrence O’Donnell, whose show “The Last Word” appears on NBC sister station MSNBC, has called out the network for having “created a monster,” stating that “NBC can no longer stand idly by, not for one more day” while Donald Trump persists in encouraging destructive divisions among the American electorate for his own benefit.

Popular liberal blog Daily Kos has taken things a step further, calling on everyone in America to “boycott all things Trump,” thereby putting the necessary pressure on The Donald to permanently shut him down. Regarding Donald’s salacious speechifying, Daily Kos states:

This is not only a grievous insult to our President, it is a grievous insult to African Americans, it is a grievous insult to all people of color.  Furthermore, this is a grievous insult to all of us who believe in a country of solidarity.  A country where ‘WE THE PEOPLE are joined together to form a more perfect UNION where we can come together to work and build and share and pray and live and die together.

We are the “Party of Us”!  Not the “Party of Me, Me, Me”.  We are the “Party of US” not the party that Donald Trump represents with their insatiable greed justified by the macabre Ayn Rand.

The time has come to stand up and be counted.  Let us Boycott all things Trump. […]

Through the good efforts of our community, here is a list of advertisers.  Call and write and ask them if they support the racist, insulting views of Donald Trump and that you will not buy their products and tell others not to buy their products as long as they support the Racist Trump.

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