Actress Meagan Good Talks about Life as a Party Animal


meagan good, black celebrities

Your Black World Reports.

In a new interview with Rolling Out Magazine, Actress Meagan Good discusses her party animal ways, turning 30 and how she is trying to seek balance in her life.  In the interview, she had this to say:

"I think the main thing is that I'm definitely a party animal. I love to go out, and have a great time. And I don't feel like there's anything wrong with that whatsoever, I just have to make sure that I practice healthy habits when I do go out. I do like to drink, but for me it's about making sure I stay in the pocket of what's appropriate."

Good was recently involved in an incident in which she was accused of drinking and driving, leading some to wonder if her life was under control.   She claims that she wasn’t drunk, but did discuss having a lifestyle that is less healthy than both she and perhaps Michelle Obama would like:

"That's an area I've been working on and doing much better in … I've also focused on quitting smoking, working out more, and just living a healthier lifestyle. Outside of that, I'm pretty happy about everything else. I just want to improve my position and make better opportunities for girls coming behind me, and make sure that I stay in the pocket of what I need to be doing, so I can help young girls in juvenile jails and foster homes."

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