I'm Not Gay Say Dallas Rapper Starting "XY" Movement: Men Wearing Lipstick &Tights

 He says it's all in your mind

There is a gender bender movement underway on the streets of Dallas. It's called the XY Movement and it's being lead by a young artist who wants people to use fashion to cross lines.

Your eyes aren't fooling you. Yes, he's a guy. Yes, he's wearing lipstick and flower
print tights too.

"A lot of people feel like a lot of colors or tight clothes is homosexual. I feel like it`s more of an expression of me," said XY Movement creator Daryll Duane Philips II.

Daryll Duane Philips, 19, a Dallas-based artist who goes by the name DPhil Spanglishman.

"The only obstacles are in your mind, that`s the way I feel. I had to break down those barriers in my mind to where I was just confident enough to do it," said Philips.

He's started what he calls the XY Movement. It's an attempt to blur gender lines a little further.

"The first time I stepped out of the house, I was nervous, I'm not going to lie," he said.

He uses social media to spread his message and he says it's catching on.
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