Solange..... Get A Clue

Solange felt it necessary to display her New Years resolutions on her myspace page... Hmm wonder what that includes hopefully a new stylist and a real record deal so she can pump out a real album! Anyway here's what she posted:

this year feels very monumental for me, so maybe i get the point.
there a few things i want to achieve this new years myself. use my middle finger alot more. i always think what person did that gesture and made it so famous for saying “f*ck you”! why wasnt it a pinky or a thumb? lol but scince it does mean those clever two words i want to do it alot more. its neccesary to be happy in life. if you think about some of the most great and succesfull people and artist….. prince, oprah, bill gates, basquiat, andy warhol, murakami, michael jackson, kayne west, oh this list could go on forever…. they all had to say it once or twice in their lifetime. people are always gonna try and tear u down for your individuality, your creative drive, you personal choices and all the little things that make you you! people rag on me for everything, from my choices in shoes and lipstick color all the way up to my hair! but at the end of the day YOU have to be happy with YOU! so what if you have the urge to do things that cant be formulated or has four sides? black and white can be so boring without a touch of color!

Is it me or does this chick seem like she's missing some screws?
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