Fantasia Needs Money….and Fast


Cash-strapped Fantasia Barrino named in lawsuit.

Fantasia Barrino, allegedly bailed out of a possible foreclosure on her home in 2009 (by none other than formerAmerican Idol lead judge Simon Cowell), is in financial dire straits again. A recent $25,000 lawsuit was filed last month against the singer, who announced just this week that she is expecting a baby.

A collection company on behalf of U.S. Bank states that she owes them $25,057.02 plus 10% interest per year dating back to May 2009. The lawsuit does not go into any details about what the money is owed for.

The 27-year old cash-strapped singer, who attempted suicide last year, made the announcement about her pregnancy during a charity concert in Jacksonville, FL. “You are the first [people] that I share this news with,” she told the audience gathered at the opening of the Riverview Apartments complex. “And I share this with you because I can relate to you. And for a while, I walked around figuring out what they will say and what will they think about me. But now I tell you, I don’t live my life for folk.”

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