Michael Jackson to be Made Into a Superhero

MJJ Super Hero

Michael Jackson, Newest “Fame” Comics Superhero

Bluewater Productions, a company that specializes in biographical comic books, recently revealed their newest productions, which feature the late Michael Jackson, as well as the Black-Eyed Peas, Britney Spears, Taylor Lautner, and Justin Bieber’s current girlfriend, 19-year old Selena Gomez.  In five new comic books in their popular “Fame” series, the celebrities will be immortalized as super heroes. Jackson, who died in June of 2009, would have turned 53 years old on August 29.

The ”Fame” Special Edition series is a collection of comic titles that show written caricatures of celebrity pop culture and takes a microscopic view of their lives, how they became famous, and how they handle(d) celebrity and notoriety under public scrutiny.

Fame, which retails in bookstores and online venues for $7.99, allows the niche biographers to open their storylines to notable personalities who are not politically-oriented. Coming in September 2011 is Justin Bieber 2,Female Force featuring Michelle Obama, Caroline Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, and Sarah Palin.

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